Here you can find inspiration and card suggestions for Xenagos, God of Revels commander deck. 
In EDH – Xenagos, God of Revels, is one of the most competetive commanders. 

MENU: Top 10 must haves | Combo | Synergy | Win cons | Ramp | Creatures | Power doublers | Casual cards |

Top 10 must haves for Xenagos, God of Revels EDH

| Top 10 Must haves | Combo | Synergy | Win cons | Ramp | Creatures | Power doublers | Casual cards |

Xenagos, God of Revels has some pretty solid stables, that are pretty cheap – this makes Xenagos, God of Revels one of the most budget friendly edh comanders.

Analysis: If we look at the decks, that are available online, we find see, that this is mainly a commander, that is suited for combo-freaks. It will ramp for 2-3 turns and then play Xenagos. There after it rely heavily on using the triggered ability on creatures to give serious damage with trample. You can build it slower and thereby build in some more resistant and control’ish card to getting stuck with top decking to counter spell, removal spells, enchantment, stax, and other OP-cards.

Types of deck: This deck is both duable with a strong creature base or in an enchantment version with tons of auras. Some play this with stax or land destruction to delay the opponent.

Win cons: Creatures, power doublers